Aluminum Wheel Stripper & Aluminum Wheel Clear Coat Remover, for Aluminum Wheel Stripping: Wheel Stripping Service, includes: Aluminum Wheel Coating Removal, to: Strip Aluminum Wheels - What's New?

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Material suppliers are developing environmentally friendly aluminum wheel stripping technologies for the next century.   

Material suppliers are developing environmentally friendly aluminum wheel stripping technologies for the next century. 


Aluminum Wheel Coating Remover: Aluminum Wheel Stripping -  

"What's New"?   

A Company dedicated to providing Environmentally Friendly- Aluminum Wheel Paint Remover Products to: Strip Aluminum Wheels. Aluminum Wheel Powder Coating Remover and Aluminum Wheel Clear Coating Remover to Strip & Recondition Aluminum Wheels.                            

Buyer: Beware, there are Companies today  utilizing process chemicals at high temperatures ranging from 250F-350F. to remove paint and strip powder coating from Cast Aluminum Wheels.

It is known in the Aluminum Wheel Industry, that cast aluminum wheels subjected several times to temperatures ranging 250F-350F., for extended duration of time can be adversely affected, and can permanently alter cast aluminum wheel substrate characteristics, strength and integrity.

Aluminum Wheel Stripping Products or Aluminum Wheel Stripping Services Quote to Strip_Aluminum_Wheels 

What's New in Aluminum Wheel Coating Removal? 

Low temperature, Methods and Process:

Miles Chemical Solutions has recently developed an  Environmentally Friendly, Low VOC (volatile organic compounds) and Low-Temperature <200F.process involving Proprietary Technologies and Methods to Strip Aluminum Wheels and Reclaim Paint  Rework, avoiding the necessity of parts disposal.

Miles Chemical Solutions Paint Stripping Technologies are formulated to strip cured coatings safely from most surfaces including: Aluminum, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Steel and Plastics. These Proprietary Paint Strip Product Solutions were engineered by Miles Chemical Solutions to provide the Aluminum Wheel Industry and the Paint and Powder Coating Finishing Industry with an Environmentally Friendly, economically feasible, method to Reclaim & there-by Recycle Paint and Powder Finishing Rework. Miles Chemical Solutions Technologies allow the Finishing Industry to reach "0-Tolerance" Paint Quality without having to reprocess sanded and paint-repaired parts that may have broken substrate surface.  Sanding paint defects from parts may adversely affect the pretreatment, the substrate original surface quality and may even result in final paint quality failure. History has shown evidence of  inter-coat paint adhesion failure on sanded and refinished painted parts.  Miles Chemical Solutions Paint Stripping Processes utilize an insulated, heated immersion tank with a lid, a mixer for agitation, a filter to remove paint laden sludge and exhausted ventilation. Aluminum wheels, paint rework parts and paint hooks are immersed in a solution of 50% Miles chemistry and 50% water added at the Finishing facility. The 50% water and Miles Paint Stripper solution is heated to a range of 130F-200F.  The stripping process time to completely strip the cured coating from the substrate will vary depending on the substrate, the coating type and the Miles Chemical Solution Paint and Powder Stripping Technologies utilized. Stripping usually begins in minutes with E-coat only, and up to 1-hour with most paint and powder coatings. The second stage is a fresh water rinse, usually, utilizing a manual or automated pressure  washer to help remove the softened and De - laminated coating. The parts are then air or oven dried and reprocessed through paint with original surface quality. For Further information visit:

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Powder Coating Stripper
MILES 8612 Powder Coating Stripping
Uploaded by MilesChemical

E-coating Paint Stripper Demonstration 
Uploaded by MilesChemical< Stripping E-coating  from Aluminum 

with Miles Chemical Solutions, E-coating Removers & Powder Coating Strippers . 

MILES Aluminum Powder Coating Stripper
Uploaded by MilesChemical


See: Paint Stripping